Salman Kahn responding to question on Google Play
Schools of the past
Not based on how humans actually learn
groups of kids in age-based cohorts
Assessment is used as a value judgment on a student’s intelligence
An artifact of Prussian society at the advent of the industrial revolution
Structured toward a manufacturing model
Lack of deep learning
Students take subjects with superficial understanding: algebra 1, Algebra 2, Trigonometry etc.
Schools of the future
Self paced, allowing for individual learning paths
Individualized assessments
Free access to on-demand/online tools
True differentiation
8-5 school day with only 2 hours of core academic “instruction”
No such thing as missing class
If family visits another city or country, student can plug into another school
No longer a “seat based” system
Students will attain mastery at different levels and interests
I was recently invited to join a Google forum for questions and answers with Salman Kahn. Famous for his world-renowned website, Kahn Academy, Salman Kahn has recently authored a new book, The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined, which addresses a major question facing educators: How will schools support today’s and tomorrow’s learners in ten, twenty or thirty years?
I had opportunity to pose this question directly to Mr. Kahn during this live online forum. His answers, summarized above, were illuminating and thought-provoking, and point the way towards how schools of the future may look.
To view the entire forum with Salmon Kahn click here: Google Play presents: Salman Khan of Khan Academy